We are not a body with energy, we are energy in a body

Quantum Frequencies...

Resonance Scanning
Frequency Therapy
Aura Scanning
Bach Flower Remedy Frequencies
Alaskan Gem Elixir Frequencies
Australian Bush Flower Frequencies


If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.
- Nikola Tesla

Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies
-Albert Einstein

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more Progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.
- Nikola Tesla

is the worlds first 
wearable micro current and
quantum frequency device

It scans the user‘s personal bio field to assess the chakras, meridians, and general well-being on an energetic level. Healy then has the ability to suggest several individualized micro-current frequency programs to assist the body in returning to balance by creating cohesion between the cells.

This small but powerful device is changing the world by it's portable ability- you can use Healy while working, traveling, and in your every day flow.

Wellbeing Beyond 

Your Body

A revolutionary product innovation, MagHealy supports you in harmonizing your surrounding by emitting a magnetic field. Feel the positive energy anytime, anywhere!

Effective for body, mind and environment - MagHealy emits a magnetic field up to three meters in diameter. 
Intuitive to use - MagHealy is a smart device without cables. It’s lightweight, travel-friendly, and allows you to control your wellbeing through the Healy app. 
Higher efficiency - Dual magnetic frequencies allow a more effective harmonization in the Bioenergetic Field. 
Versatile applications & modules - MagHealy offers a range of powerful applications and modules to support you in various situations.
Good to animals, friendly to plants - Pets and plants can also benefit from MagHealy applications and their positive influence on the environment.

Add On Modules.....

The HealAdvisor Animal Module empowers you to address what your animal is going through like never before.

With the HealAdvisor Animal Module, you can quickly find the appropriate Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) Healy programs to harmonize your animal’s Bioenergetic Field. Additionally, there are 12 special Healy IMF programs in the Animal program group.